Engineering services

Construction is a complex and non-linear process that requires a competent approach and a combination of skills of dozens of specialists. Some customers miscalculate their forces and as a result – many parameters are unaccounted for, construction is delayed, additional funds are attracted to correct deficiencies.
ABIPI specialists deal with design management of construction of treatment facilities, water intake and water treatment stations, booster pump stations, technological lines.
ABIPI’s engineering services include
- technical consulting;
- optimization of design solutions;
- technical supervision of construction and installation work.
Stages of engineering services
- Pre-project customer support on legal and technical issues of future construction.
- Effective planning of design solutions development and their approval by the state authorities.
- Participation in the choice of contractor.
- Technical supervision over the construction and timing.
- Control over the expenditure of funds.
- Participation in the commissioning of the facility.

Our qualified engineers are able to implement the set task in a quality and prompt manner.
As engineering services we are ready to offer our services for complex solution of pump tasks of different media. In combination with the equipment we offer engineering services to solve problems of any complexity: from calculation of hydraulic parameters of the required equipment and equipment selection to development of technical documentation and equipment start-up.